CSI: NY (Crime Scene Investigation: New York) is a spin-off of CSI: Miami and is the third installment of the CSI franchise. The series began airing on CBS in September 2004 and lasted for nine seasons and 197 episodes, ending in February 2013.
CSI: NY follows a team of forensic investigators and law enforcement officials in New York City. The most prominent characters are former marine-turned Detective Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) and his partner, sympathetic Detective Jo Danville (Sela Ward). Taylor and Danville also work with Detectives Danny Messer (Carmine Giovinazzo), Don Flack (Eddie Cahill), Aiden Burn (Vanessa Ferlito), Stella Bonasera (Melina Kanakaredes), and Lindsay Monroe (Anna Belknap), Dr Sheldon Hawkes (Hill Harper), Medical Examiner Sid Hammerback (Robert Joy), and lab technician Adam Ross (A.J Buckley).
You can purchase the seasons on Amazon.
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