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Reminder That Fingerprints Are Important

Prior to the implementation of fingerprints as the primary means by which to identify people, many penitentiaries had adopted what was known as the Bertillon system of measurements.  These measurements established a record for every prisoner, much like 10-print (fingerprint)…

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Ballistic Fingerprint Database

A ballistic fingerprint database is a computerized database of markings on bullet casings made by legally purchased guns.  The idea is much the same as the fingerprint database AFIS or the DNA database CODIS, both of which house input known…

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Super Glue Identification Method

Believe it or not, super glue is taking over latent fingerprint development, leaving fingerprint powders in the dust. The super glue identification method is becoming the next big thing. The cyanoacrylate fuming method, also referred to as the super glue…

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Forensics- Art or Science?

Is the study of forensics art or science? The National Research Council recently released a report entitled "Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward" in which it outlined many of the problems and criticisms of modern forensic science.…

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