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The Serial Slasher Apprehended?

Was the serial slasher apprehended? On May 24, 2010, a predator began attacking his prey.  The Serial Slasher, or the Flint Serial Killer, as the predator has been called, is thought to have stabbed or beaten eighteen to twenty known…

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Reminder That Fingerprints Are Important

Prior to the implementation of fingerprints as the primary means by which to identify people, many penitentiaries had adopted what was known as the Bertillon system of measurements.  These measurements established a record for every prisoner, much like 10-print (fingerprint)…

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Ballistic Fingerprint Database

A ballistic fingerprint database is a computerized database of markings on bullet casings made by legally purchased guns.  The idea is much the same as the fingerprint database AFIS or the DNA database CODIS, both of which house input known…

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Non-Discriminatory Mugging

In New York City, it seems that there is slim pickings of mugging victims, or so ex-convict Jermaine Washington seemed to think.  Washington was in Riverside Park, NY looking for someone to mug when  he decided to pull his fake…

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Shopping for an Arrest

When Fannie Henson of Virginia found a man's lost wallet she must have thought it was her lucky day.   She took one of the man's credit cards and ran up almost $400 in charges from a gas station and a…

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Honest to a Fault

When high school drop-out  James  Palmer was stopped by police for behaving suspiciously in front of a local high school Palmer tried talking his way out of trouble.  This became increasingly difficult when police found an ounce of marijuana divided…

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Sherlock Holmes and Forensics

Sherlock Holmes and forensics had a connection. Sherlock Holmes was a fictitious detective who is thought to have been born in the mid to late 19th century though his true birth year can be attributed to 1887 when Scottish author Sir Arthur…

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